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Freddy Death

A member registered Mar 28, 2020

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(1 edit)

i know the dillema, its no player online ? you are working on a new game so you don't have time to work on spookware ? honestly its very sad, im hype for NPO but that doesnt mean that i dont like spookware. is there a hope that after NPO we have new chapter ? and if not, will we have a update for all the glitch that people talk about, and it would be really nice if there was a dlc or a post to talk about all the things that was made and being cut abandonned, where the story was going, minigame idea, concept art, and other ? like a Behind the scene of all the game and unrealeased chapter ? this would be very kind i think

there is a Unreal Engine VR profil if you want. i dont know if this work well but its seem to work good

wow, its really good, hope you are still working on it

yay !

lets go !!! new content, new logo

Wow the game is perfect. The style of the characters, the style of the game. I'm very very hyped for this. Hope it don't get cancelled and that you can continue working on it !!

train your skill on other game to comeback to underrule stronger !

this game always interested me a bit (i have already played Witch training by akabur) but i always have problem with the game running badly on my predator so a bit sad

ok cool. 

explicit ? like five night at fuzzboobs ?

i need to know, is it NSFW or just suggestive ?

im a bit sad about the NTR not being in the steam release. can't you make it optional ?

Yes please, drop steam. (And your other game too, in a collection for the smaller one maybe ?)

lets gooo

LETS FRIKIN GO BABY !!!! Thanks guy for sharing the news


yessssss, but i have no idea how to share the game (i have no friend) But i will try !

how many whislit the game is ?

personnaly I sure I can if I buy the game but I want these game to be on steam in a big update, Multiplayer, more replay value, more mechanic ect. It would be incredible and I totally want to pay 5€ or 10€ 

pleasee put it on steaaaammmmm

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Just watched the manlybadasshero playthrough and it's incredible, I'm so hyped and the ost is very good. Hope to see the game and ost pop on steam!!!!

Also if you have as a project to release it on multiple devices, will you work with dreadxp ? It's totally feel like the type of bangers they support and publish. just asking for curiosity :))

ahhh! finally an update very cool

i hope you make a real menu for the level. like geometry dash with its own server and people can post post, share easily, add title description and all. it would be cool and more accesible

lets fricking go !!! nowi hope for the 100k wishlist


no problem, take a break after Part1, and when will we be able to play fnafb in 8K RTX ??? (just joking, but i think it would be funny to have a 30Go game for mega HQ p*rn x) )

its sad but it was a fun little project with a lot of collab from different people, it was nice and we still for your futur project :D

Oh it has ended ? Very sad, this looked very cool

will you post it on steam ?? would be cool :)

still working on it ?

ouahhhh it can be so cool, very hype for this, please don't cancel this

I was joking don't worry x) but thanks anyway :)

So cool, and its nice to have a french translation, if needed help for it i can help

i don't know if this got repair but while playing the web version, i found a bug where you can't upgrade the charachters special ability (25% more money to 50%) it take my money but if i quit the menu and reopen it its back to 25% that cost 100

and if the game come out and not all the goals are completed what will happen to them ? also do you have any tips  for sharing the game with anybody whitout looking like a weirdo ??

take your time there is no problem. i don't know if this is a good idea to split the game in 2 part (its not a bad idea its just that for a defenitive edition it would be cool if everything come out at the same time. so that all the package is ready

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very cool the halloween update but frick you. i just ended the game by mistake while i was thinking finding the ghost girl and now i can't go back to discover the ghosts story so yeah

update: i just redo the game. its was cooool, love you, keep make game and very hype for the steam relase

very cool game, really hope that there is more update in the futur and make the game even better

sad, the presskit don't include the art of the PS1 gif box. i was hoping  to make  a real ps1  edition of the game (not to sell but just for me)

mann please put your game on steam it would be so coool